Resin 3D printer about support and precautions

After adding the model, enter the XYZ coordinates in the model information position column of the slicing software (as shown below) and press enter on the keyboard or use the move command in the model action column to select the model with a mouse click and move the mouse to adjust the coordinate position of the model; then enter the angle of rotation along X or Y axis in the model information rotation column and press enter to confirm to adjust the angle of model placement; enter the value in the rotation angle and press enter to confirm or drag the slider behind to rotate the model along Z axis; finally, enter the scale in the X box of the scaling factor in the model information to change the scale of the model. Enter the value in the rotation angle and press enter to confirm or drag the slider behind to rotate the model along the Z-axis; finally, enter the scale in the X box of the scaling factor in the model information to change the scale of the model; if the scale factor is changed without locking the check box, the model can only be scaled in the direction where the scaling factor is entered, which will cause the model to be deformed; the mirroring option can be kept checked.

About Print Support

Support height: Generally set to 1-2 can be adjusted according to the model situation. Support parameters: The support is divided into three parts: top, middle, and bottom, each of which has graphics, radius, length, penetration, and angle factors. 1.

1. graphics: click the drop-down triangle corresponding to the right box of "graphics" to select the basic shape of the support, the top graphics are generally set to cone25%, the middle and bottom are generally set to cylinder. 2;

Radius: Enter the radius on the right of "Radius" to adjust the radius of the support, the radius generally needs to set a reasonable radius of the support according to the size of the model, the common radius values for the top and middle are 0.2-0.8, and the common radius values for the bottom are 1-5. 3;

3. length: you can change the length of the support, the top and bottom length values can be directly input to adjust, the middle value is indirectly determined automatically by the top and bottom values;

Infiltration: Drag the slider to the right of "Infiltration" to adjust the degree of integration between the support and the model, the larger the infiltration value, the more the support and the model will be integrated, the harder the support will be to peel off, but the stronger the support will be, and vice versa, the easier it will be to peel off, this value should be determined according to the size of the model, the weight, the strength of the required support, etc. The common permeability value at the top is 0.11-0.20, and the common permeability value at the bottom is 0.2. 5;

Angle factor: Drag the slider on the right of "Angle factor" to adjust the angle of the support, set the value according to the needs of the model, generally used to avoid the intersection of the support and the model, set to 0 when the support is perpendicular to the bottom, you can adjust the value according to the actual situation, generally do not use the value.

If you want to delete the support, select the support you want to delete and press the delete key on the keyboard to delete it (you can also re-add the support after deleting it) or click the "Delete" button first and then click the support you want to delete in the model window to delete the support or "Modify" can modify the parameters of the support in the support parameters. The figure below

Printing Precautions

The machine should be used in a space with clean air, no obvious floating objects, temperature: 30±10 degrees Celsius, and avoid direct sunlight or strong light. Please wear protective gloves when operating, disassemble the model to remove the molding platform with a scraper or spatula to remove the model, and then clean with alcohol, dry with paper towels or air dry, and then put into the curing lamp for about 20 minutes to cure. Note: The photosensitive resin is an epoxy resin that is irritating to the skin, so be sure to wear protective gloves when cleaning the finished print or touching the photosensitive resin. If your skin comes into direct contact with the photosensitive resin or with your eyes, rinse with water immediately if skin irritation or discomfort occurs, or seek medical attention if the situation is serious. When using the machine, please be careful not to take out the material tank at will to prevent the resin on the molding platform from dripping onto the DLP lens. Please do not operate or shake the machine during the operation of the machine and keep the machine in a stable place. The material trough is a consumable item, so please be careful not to scrape the molding trough with sharp objects. If there is any print residue in the trough, remove the molding platform first and then remove the trough, empty the resin and filter out the residue with a strainer, and take care to protect the trough when cleaning the residue.

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